Wednesday, June 5, 2019

History of Science Museum in Geneva

This museum was actually one of my favorites on the entire trip! The tour guide was really interesting! She had great english and explained things very easily so that even non-scientific majors could understand.  I thought it was cool learning about other scientists from Geneva who not many people are familiar with because normally we always stick to the same few who are famous like Newton and Galileo.  Seeing the first ever battery was my favorite part for sure! It was so big and so cool to see! I actually understood a lot of the science behind a lot of the devices we saw which I really enjoyed.  Overall it was a great visit and had an amazing view of the lake in Geneva!


  1. I enjoyed the interactive section at this museum because it helped illustrate many of the physic principles that we learned about.

  2. I agree! Our tour guide was so knowledgeable and had many great visual aids to present the items we were looking at and the science behind them.

  3. It did really have an amazing that one puppy :). This was a really neat experience to evaluate the other physicists at that time and what they accomplished as well.


Natural History Museum - Switzerland

I learned at this museum most from the collection of collaborative learning exhibits!  Its probably sad to say but that was my favorite part...