Wednesday, June 5, 2019

History of Science in Switzerland Museum

     The history of science in Switzerland museum was a very interesting experience. I had no idea that there was so much science that sprouted from this area. One man had is own room. Horace Bénédict de Saussure was a swiss physicist who studied electricity throughout the alps. He also created a hydrometer that was able to be calibrated to give correct readings. So much so, that he received as many as 200 orders for them from all over europe. In addition to being a physicist, he also studied the geology of the swiss alps. He was the first person to extensively study and map out the alps. he would go on expidentitions and take a team of scientists and instruments to study the alps. 


1 comment:

  1. It was intriguing that so many differing scientists created things like the hydrometer at about the same time. A common spread of interests in major scientists is equally alluring and has shown to be quite a theme in world renowned figures.


Natural History Museum - Switzerland

I learned at this museum most from the collection of collaborative learning exhibits!  Its probably sad to say but that was my favorite part...