Monday, May 27, 2019

Video Game Museum

This museum was awesome! Walking through and learning about it was very fun and informative. I learned a lot about Nolan Bushnell who made the Atari which was a great stepping stone for all video game technology. Bushnell was known for holding his board meetings inside a Jacuzzi. It was very informative to learn about how game consoles, controllers, and headphones have changed over time from very large to small. This museum was fun as you could read about the history of video game technology but also play the games. They had many interactive games which were fun to play and see them working in today's time as they are older games.


  1. I really wish I would've looked into this museum. My you get brother is super involved in video games and wants to go into video game design. It would have been cool to show him pictures and bring back information to share with him.

  2. This sounds awesome! To be able to experience the evolutions of recently developed technology would be facinating. What better a place for a history of technology major to experience snd interpret.

  3. That sounds amazing!! Wish I had had time to visit!

  4. That sounds very cool! I was never really into video games but I know the atarri which is really cool to know that's where it all started. This is Rachel!

  5. This sounds so fun! Wish I would have gone to this museum. I’d love to play video games and learn about their history.

  6. This museum sounds amazing and I am not even into video games. I think I would have gained some appreciation by seeing the history behind them.


Natural History Museum - Switzerland

I learned at this museum most from the collection of collaborative learning exhibits!  Its probably sad to say but that was my favorite part...