Monday, May 27, 2019

Mineralogy Museum

I chose the mineralogy museum for the SREF project. It is a part of a series of museums at the university of Rome called MUST. This stands for museo universitario Di scienze della terra.  There were many cool things about this museum. They had a huge collection of meteorites including the biggest meteorite preserved in Italy. They also had many beautiful crystals that were giant! The educational side talked a lot about the different types of rock and land on the earth and the layers. They had a very cool interactive display where you moved sand around and a hologram changed with it showing the different layers by using color. It also included some fossils that were kept in rock and talked a little about the history of mineralogy and the famous people behind it. Overall it was a very I interesting museum.


  1. That interactive display sounds neat

  2. That sounded fun. I would like to learn more about the people behind mineralogy some time. I could even apply this to the Platteville mines!

  3. This museum sounds very cool, I would like to see a picture of the biggest meteorite. The interactive part sounds great!

  4. Reading about this museum makes me think I’d actually enjoy seeing it.


Natural History Museum - Switzerland

I learned at this museum most from the collection of collaborative learning exhibits!  Its probably sad to say but that was my favorite part...